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  • Writer's pictureJohn Lord

Artnet release!

Updated: Apr 16 Re-enables cloud layout uploads broken by Twinkly's web update 4/8/2024. It also fixes a very rare crash related to internet, has an efficiency improvement where you will no longer try to log into a device you deleted. 3.13.1 Adds an optional alignment grid to the editor, fixes a small bug with the display telling you if the limiter is enabled in groups, and adds the ability to change how group channels are set up. Normally Twinkly picks the order of the devices but if you have a device such as a mega tree you want to force it to use channels from one side to the other. You can now go into settings and enable "Set Group Channels Alphabetically". Example: MegaTree-1, a 400 string. MegaTree-2 a 400 string. Set the group to start at 1 and it will assign MegaTree-1 channels 1-1200, and MegaTree-2 1201-1400 automatically. This will make it MUCH easier to properly set up giant props in XLights, IF you use xlights to build the model. You should not use this setting if you are exporting custom models (yet - that will be in the next release).


3.13 is the first release of the year and it brings fixes to all known bugs (except one: see above), improvements in the layout, and new features.

Bug Fixes

bug fix: test mode was broken bug fix: editor live output was broken. bug fix: Editing an offline device would make it appear like it was online when it wasn't. bug fix: offline saving was broken. It was leaving out device names which was also breaking the export for those devices. bug fix: the channel count was computing wrong when you were online but the device was offline. bug fix: groups were not looking up the aspect ratio properly when logged out. bug fix: Restoring a backed-up layout will now also restore the aspect ratio. bug fix: Importing an xmodel onto a substring now works properly. bug fix: Editing the layout of a device in a group had a chance of showing the wrong device.


New Features

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