Major bugfix: The 3d exporter was incorrectly leaving off one z-layer of data and this would cause it to not even render properly at all in xlights 2024.13 and above.
a delay on the main screen was not delaying long enough for some rendering which was resulting in some incorrect information for grouped devices being shown to the user.
bugfix: AWW devices were incorrectly being listed as single-color. However there isn't really a good scenario that has them working properly in XLights since it doesn't support their color gamut.
Minor bugfix: submodels will no longer be included if you are exporting a submodel
Minor bugfix: Pro device models could potentially be exported as single-color, which would mess up the number of assigned channels.
Enhancement: You can now hack the length of a twinkly line to a custom length without having to remove/readd the device after doing so. I now update Twinkly's cloud record to make this unnecessary, and make using Twinkly line as a "bring your own pixels" device, a little easier.